February Goals

by - 2:16:00 PM

Happy February!
With the start of the new month I decided to set some goals for myself. Work towards progress not perfection!

The first goal I had in mind is to use more colors. More colors in my outfits, in my notes for school, and just in general. I tend to wear a lot of black and steer towards only monochrome. Ya know, for the aesthetic haha. But it gets boring every once in awhile so I really want to incorporate more colors into my life and experiment with them. Especially pink. Pink is pretty great.

2.Stop Being Late/Getting up on Time
I'm always late to EVERYTHING. For some reason I like to leave at the very last second and think I'll be absolutely fine. However, that's not how it works at all. This also relates to the fact I'm very close to being late for school everyday, because I can never get up early enough. I do have a car and can drive myself, but I always end up sleeping in and then having to make my parents drive me. I'm striving for being more efficient and getting to places at least 5-10 minutes (depending on where I'm going) before I'm suppose to be there. I cannot tell you how much stress this will get rid of if I can pull it off.

My final goal is to post more content here! I've pushed this aside for a while because I've become so busy with school, theatre, band, etc, but I really want to make time to post more on all my social media because I really love it. I want to push myself to make time for more of the things I really enjoy and not just the things I need to do.
On that note you can follow me everywhere here↓ haha
Instagram: h.ttplexi
YouTube: httplexi
Twitter: _httplexi
Tumblr: h-ttplexi
I figured writing my goals down would give me even more motivation to work towards them. What are your goals for the month?

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